Can Vidal is a perfect place to celebrate love!

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. It is celebrated on 14 February every year.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. It is celebrated on 14 February every year. Its roots can be traced back to ancient Rome, where a festival called Lupercalia was held in February. During the celebrations, single men selected their partners through a raffle and the couple committed to staying together for one year.

Over time, the holiday evolved and became associated with Saint Valentine, the 3rd century Christian martyr. Although nobody knows for sure who Saint Valentine was, he is thought to have been a priest who helped couples in love to secretly wed during the Roman Empire, when Christian marriage was forbidden.

Valentine’s Day is coming and it’s the perfect time to plan a romantic getaway with your partner! And, where better to spend a deliciously romantic evening than at Can Vidal? Below we give you a few ideas on how to get the most out of your stay and how to make the night special:

  1. Book a room at Can Vidal, picking the room that you like the most so that you’ll have a unique experience with your partner. If your room has a bathtub, take advantage to have a relaxing bubble bath with your loved one.

2. Enjoy a romantic dinner at one of the restaurants close to Can Vidal. Ask us if you’d like, as we’ve got great recommendations. There are many restaurants that have a special Valentine’s Day prix-fixe menu, so make sure you book a table for two!

3. You can select one of our bottles of wine at Can Vidal to savour and enjoy in your room or on our rooftop in good company.

4. If you’d like to do something a bit more active, there are many hikes and strolls around the island’s most enchanting spots.

In short, Can Vidal is a perfect place to celebrate love and friendship on Valentine’s Day.
